
lol, piece of toast whut?

yeah, that's right, an awful episode but that was gold, jerry, gold. "You have such pretty earlobes"

The problem with being cocooned libs like the SNL writers are is that you can't write a skit in which Michelle and Hillary trade barbs. You know, Hillary is perhaps overqualified for her job while Michelle just cares too much. Quite bloodless and quite boring. It's 5 parts lib backpatting and 1 part fan-fic.

Nasim is a hottie, that silly sketch of hers was a waste. She's best as a back up dancer for what's up with that because that's the only time SNL let's her sex it up.

As a long time SNL apologist, this episode sucked.
And the black keys? What's up with them? Their new stuff sucked, they should have tried making noises that represent rock and roll songs, not easy listening.
Oh that Chicago cop sketch? Funny stuff, FIB's are always funny. Da Bears!
With the recent militarization of

yeah, right? In rewatching episode one, it seemed that not even the sibling lovers could figure out why the King's Hand had died. Oops, turns out the local brothel owner super-cuckolded him.

or, actually to pierce the weak joints of plate armor. eh?

Sometimes the review's asides, regardless of the AVclub's reviewer actually doing the review, gives one a serious case of dafuqs?
It sounds to me like the reviewer thought that Oberyn was privy to Cersei's rape. Or that Oberyn was GoT's light bringer, a merchant of change. He's attempting to turn the tide. Sure,

Watching this, I realized that Hollywood has finally found a way to monetize all the time every actor, aspiring or otherwise, spent perfecting their Fargo accents lo these 20 years.

Abed says it was canon that the universe ended if they don't come back. Using the term canon was awesome.

Great, so now I hear that Lauren Michaels is in development for a Drunken Scottish Fish movie. Still gonna be better than Pat.

I don't really see them stumbling on the CIA running rebels, drugs, tanks, etc. as potentially helping them. Unless Slater's so cool, he's gonna let them gleam the cube back to the upper east side just cause.

it must be confusing, living in post magical times where some of the old magic still sticks around. You're working on science and stuff and then dragons burn you alive.

The clothes at that wedding. I feel like I am at a nerd-service comic con cosplay session. You know, how in RPG's, the female character's armor class goes up the more hawt skin she shows off, so that a metal wire-mesh bikini covering just her nips is the equivalent of a WWII armored tank.
This is all taking place

such as it is, it's probably tough to be an atheist when you witness your high priestess give birth to a demon-shadow baby that goes out and kills your arch rival.

"Megan’s dress at the airport. Megan’s hair at the airport. Megan’s car at the airport. Megan’s shades at the airport."

true dat. Sorry to hear she's not that healthy and her career never took off like it should have, post SNL.

maybe Jan Hooks could've competed with that. Whatever happened to Jan, anyway?

yeah, way too serious.