
Yep. Fancy ass women’s shoes, worn once to a wedding - so totally going to buy used. You can tell how much or how little a shoe’s been worn.

No, but they can’t pass laws. Not that they would anyways. I mean, the whole reason Boris Johnson is PM is that power in Parliament is narrowly divided between parties so far apart that they’d rather crash out than give each other enough of what they want to get agreement with the EU.

Thanks.. the exact thing I needed today to make my life better thru a hack. STOP with the political stories, this website is a how to better your life via hacks... If I want political inside I would go to Snopes.

But how do I keep them juicy if I hunt them with a permit?

Yeah, if I heard someone say, “This house comprises rooms,” I’d think, “What the fuck kind of house are you talking about?”

The hardest part of poaching chicken is making sure the game wardens don’t catch you at it. 😉

The beautiful thing about language evolving is that ‘proper’ grammar doesn’t really matter all that much if you’re understood by the masses. The house example is perfect, since “The house comprises seven rooms” sounds stupid and virtually no one speaks like that any more. So is it really correct?

This seems a bit expensive for a flashlight that’s only 300 lumens. The only sand-apart feature I see is the spot to beam slider, and that doesn’t seem to be worth the extra $50.

This seems a bit expensive for a flashlight that’s only 300 lumens. The only sand-apart feature I see is the spot to


It’s even better than the Uber business model.

That definitely is the deal/appeal of it. Though NMS at least has a couple of other hooks to invest one that Minecraft might not(though Minecraft technically has some more freedoms in others, in loose fashion perhaps, especially engineering through redstone I guess?).

But this said.... if someone really, *really*

And for this new update they are releasing new physical copies to coincide with the spotlighted, hopefully new interest from new players. That and probably to also cram more of the patched content into the disc so first time players don’t have to download a ton of updates to get caught up. I love this game and this

I mean, I just went and bought the game as I was reading this... If you told me 3 years ago, after the criticism it received on launch I would be buying it, I wouldn’t believe you... And yet here I am.

I’m sure it sells more copies every time one of these updates come out and people read about cool new stuff. 

I....I feel this so much.

1st letter:

This tends to be my thought process too. There are two possible knock-on effects from a large raise in minimum wage rates.

Don’t worry, they have a solution for that too. Those that put in the effort to earn more than the minimum only to see the minimum come to them will also get a raise, when they win the #FightFor20 battle down the road. Rinse and repeat.

Reduce all politicians to $15 per hour, and only pay them for the actual hours they work.

Yang’s position is the best because it would help everyone even if you don’t have a job, or if you have a job that earns more than $15 per hour.