
Literally not a single one of those pictures looked like a person having sex. One was maybe an above pants crotch kiss, and an above pants dick rub. Then there was one with a guy spinning a girl around. Yeah, I didn’t see any sex going on there.

WAIT A MINUTE... do you not know what sex is?


Completely agree. I’m a long time gamer, I’m a woman, and I’m a social science researcher, so I have some... thoughts... about this kind of study.

Yes, thank you. I found the entire premise of this study to be flawed from the get-go. To me it had the same value as

Nailed it. I have no idea which side you lean towards, but yes, for being closed-minded, you are part of the problem.

The best advice I’ve ever heard about trying vegetarian/vegan diets is to not go “faux.” As in, try food that was never intended to contain meat (like some Indian or some Asian cuisines) rather than one that you have to replace the meat with something else.

Nacho Cheese is the superior flavor. It is the gold standard of flavored chips, it is abundant, direct, it has nuance but never betrays its original character, it is even a wonderful color. It does all this without even tasting that much like traditional nacho cheese, yet still being incredibly delicious and

It does look cool! It was my and my partners’ Christmas gift to ourselves this year. But also I was about to reread them all and my partner had only read about half of them, so it wasn’t just about buying an expensive and heavy ornament; they’re all getting read at least once within a year of being bought. And it fits

James Thurber wrote this in the ‘30s. It was the equivalent of around $100 dollars now.

I’d consider that banana-dessert yellow.

Instead, the court has left these decisions up to individual states

Responses in four words or fewer:

I don’t like people, but I had an almost sociopathic ability to fake it when money was on the line” - In the end isn’t that the key to being good at “customer service” though?

They don’t need to put in levels dedicated to those shows.  It could just end up being characters you can unlock or some kind of bonus.


PSA: the trains do NOT look like that picture.

You’re asking for a significant amount of complexity added to the experience. Which may be fine and may be legally necessary, but like The War Prayer, you have to consider what you’re actually asking for.

They are just mad that Uber “contractors” cannot be part of a Union. This is way more about Unions than anything else in the eyes of Jalopnik/Gawker. 

The vast, vast majority of abortions happen well before even the earliest premature babies can possibly survive. 6 weeks is too soon, as this article says, but most people find out between 4 and 7 weeks and anyone who does not want to carry a baby to term at all would prefer to have the abortion as soon as possible. 

What if, like the preying mantis, the human female had to decapitate and consume the head of the human male after copulation? We’ll need to legislate something in order to protect human life! Or, maybe we should address that point, if or when, we get there.

Having read a decent number of programming books at this point, I'd say they generally fall into two categories: