
One of the issues is that DD doesn’t make any effort to ensure that orders placed through their app are placed properly. And they don’t care if their service makes the restaurant look bad.

Yeah, but it sounds like they didn't. Unless the friend tipped, and they just left it out of the calculations. But then the calculations are in error. 

The restaurant doesn’t have to tip, but the person who orders from the app should.

The issue is that this scam involved the restaurant buying their own food through the app. They are the customers. Typically, the customer of a delivery service tips the driver. But in this case, they did not. So the driver got screwed right along with Door Dash. 

Right, but in this case the restaurant was also the customer. And as the customer, they didn’t tip. So the driver ended up carrying 10 pizzas from the restaurant to the owners friend, and didn't get much from it. 

He paid Door Dash $160 for the pizza, money came out of his account, and into theirs. He paid $70 in ingredients and labor for the pizza. That’s $230 that he spent in order to pull off this stunt.

Yeah, for the driver it’s still a job. So as long as the pizza place still tipped (cutting way into their “profits”) the driver should have no reason to complain.

Because the driver doesn’t work for them, and one would expect that they can tell the difference in weight between an empty box, and a pizza.

Same here! Looks like their system can't handle everyone at once, so now they are doing it in waves. The article should be updated with this information. 

The target of a public statement by an international organization is everyone. A tweet is a public statement, a press release is a public statement. We aren’t talking about a university lecture, we are talking about an authority on public health speaking to the public.

Yes, invent a word. I can’t believe how uncreative some people are. Or heck, steal a word from another language, maybe an ancient or dead one. Whatever you do, never redefine an existing word. 

It’s not the discussion of weed that constitutes a problem, that’s why there are groups and such on Facebook that are dedicated to it. The issue is that in so many places it is illegal to buy and sell marijuana, so Facebook - while tolerant of talking about weed, its uses, etc - bans the using its platform to

Unfortunately, language isn’t a strict code that all users obey perfectly. All communication requires that both the speaker and listener understand the communication in the same way, or there will be a communication error. In this case, the more commonly understood meaning of those words conflicts with the actual

Yeah, I would expect them to want to get together much faster, not seven years in right as a pandemic hits. 

Best case is that neither exists, and we just wasted a bit of time on the internet. Worst case is that they are real, in which case she might move to Canada... And it will be a disaster. If he isn't a catfish, then he is still emotionally manipulative, clingy, and quite possibly not actually into women. So that's

Yup, this. I was all agreeing with this guy for a minute, and then he had to go insult all of us hard working millennials by comparing us to this trash. 

Oh absolutely, the new guy isn’t the answer anymore than the old guy. She needs to take time for herself, to learn what she was never able to having been in a single relationship for so long. She needs to learn what she truly wants for herself, before she can start to learn what she wants from a partner. That’s going

Of course, and if I were being asked for advice by a friend that I knew, and I could ask some followup questions, I would likely give a more concrete “don’t” or “go for it” - but for this guy, I can’t do that. I can't tell this guy "yeah bud, she's totally into you" but I also can't say "abandon all hope" either. 

Here’s the thing though, we don’t know the situation any further than what we are told, and we don’t even know the accuracy of that. But here is what we do - we give the person asking for advice the benefit of the doubt. They reached out, so that’s at least one good move.

So in addition to the age gap problem, do we want to talk about the no sex because of 30lbs of weight gain thing? That’s not just someone being shallow, and he isn’t just calling her fat to lower her self esteem. The no-sex thing means he really has no attraction to her at all, which makes me think things on his end