
Hate Fox News. Love hot guys. I'll take him.

I wish, in talking about Iggy's racism, that people would also discuss how American exports have pretty much bulldozed Australian arts. American culture is so pushed into us in every aspect in Australia and it's really gross to a lot of Australians.

I guess there's no polite way to say this — and this is certainly not directed at you, Isha — but, man, it would be really nice if Jezebel could leave Amanda Bynes alone for awhile. Besides, whatever it is that she's going through right now does not belong in a breezy gossip round-up column.

Smoking weed with Kathy Bates, Susan Sarandon, and Melissa McCarthy sounds like a goddamn dream come true.

From what I heard, you need to find the body and then bury it.

I read that one when it was first posted and I was all, "Pish. Thats way too camp. No way that's real. She totally made that up. #unimpressed."

That one has to be bull-shit. Who the fuck see's glowing eyed Jesus in a non dream-like state and still sleeps up there the next night, let alone ever again!

I had to stop reading these because I slept like crap one night from it. I'd forgotten all of them...EXCEPT GOAT MAN. Shudder. The worst.

That and the person getting strangled. GAH.


Eight women, all different, from different walks of life. One a semi-popular television actress...

Why are people complaining? It is artisanal, gluten-free, small batch, organic breast milk.

Yesterday I wore a huge shawl thing (Think stevie nicks but BIGGER) covering my entire body and I got MORE street harassment than I normally do. A guy even went so far as to crudely leer and thrust at me while I was waiting for Bart after the longest day of it all and I just finally snapped "You made your point." He

While your own lived experience matters, I'm pretty sure this is a universal men problem. Minorities catcall differently, sometimes more loudly, but men of all colors do it quite a bit.

Does anybody actually do anything productive here or is it pretty much just this kind of shit all day every day?

I wouldn't give a shit about money either if I already had as much of it as Chelsea Clinton does.

Really I've mostly been cat called by white guys.

It sounds racist because it is racist. Men of all backgrounds do this, don't kid yourself otherwise.

i haaaaate the turnaround-stare. like, be more disgusting, please, try. i understand people have eyes and some people are attractive, and looking is ok. staring is not, and turning around to pan up and down and stare at someone's ass is NOT ACCEPTABLE. WHO RAISED YOU. recently a guy did it on the subway platform, and

Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I