
you have the best stories!!!! though this one creeps me out on a different level because this is a real, living, breathing dude. well i will hope for the best outcome in this situation. hopefully she will wise up and leave. he sounds down right awful.

this made me cry and shiver all over. holy fuck.

loving all your stories! even though i love anything ghost like and am fairly woo-woo, i sent out a call a while ago to not be shown anything. i honestly don’t think i could handle seeing anything. and as someone who used to stay up late playing the sims...if i saw some shadow figure standing there watching me...i’d

never been there but spokane, WA felt EXACTLY the same way when i visited. creeped the fuck out, through and through. something about that town just shook me down, even in broad day light. i will try to avoid joliet now!

ugh. that’s awful. because she sounds really lovely and that guy is terrifying. was he always such a creepy dickhead? or do you think a demon attached to him like that other woman’s story? (that one left me all like ;_______; just tears)

barf. i hate this. i hate it a lot.

did the spirit feel malevolent? or just dickish? regardless, this is scary as all hell. poor little you :(

this is really sweet :)

how oddly proper of that spirit!


oh god. this nauseated me. how utterly fucking terrifying!

so not weird! i feel exactly as you do when i see the more “troublesome” cards appear. the images can be pretty spooky but context and perspective are the keys. also, i love the death card :)


noooooooooo. holy hell, that last one though...

this is a good point. currently i handle the consequences when the dad is not around. he and i don’t talk much about the lying but i do tell him if the kid got unnecessarily physical with one of his brothers.

hey fellow nanny! a mere 12 hours a day is not mere at all! the work i do with these kids is only 3 days a week, roughly 5 hours a day. i don’t work for the mom. i bet you are a wonderful influence for those 12 hours :)

it is. i’m constantly asking teacher friends how to improve my communication with him. articles like this really help!

you are right, it is a better defense. better to say it then hear it, i suppose. it still hurt me to see him say that. i’m sorry to hear that you experienced that with your father as well. no one should have to.

nope. but it looks like you did!

THANK YOU for posting this.