
Then don’t play it. Find another electronic baby toy with which to waste your time.

I tried playing DC Universe Online on my Xbox One and WOW, does that game look terrible at 60fps.

Dark Souls 3 runs horribly on Xbox One. If I had known how badly, I would have told my friends “too bad we won’t be playing together anymore” and picked up a PS4.
At least then I’d also have Bloodborne. But nooo, I gotta have framerate drops and screen tearing every time I turn the camera.

I think also there’s a difference in the number of employees in the two game studios, and maybe the Skullgirls designer just can’t draw fatties.

It took me a minute to get the joke, but then again the “hold the door” moment didn’t hit me as hard as other viewers. I felt it had a Steven King feel to it, so I guess I already tripped that emotional landmine.

I enjoyed the original animated Berserk. It was my introduction to the entire series. But that was two years after it came out so I’m guessing it might have aged better as a memory compared to watching through it again. I still remember the opening and ending theme songs, there’s something about that sound that sticks

I always think one of these would be a nice replacement for a body pillow, it just needs clothes.

This conversation finally got interesting.

Is it strange that I condemn the Chun-Li breast wiggle, disparage Laura’s costume and her poses (overall character too), never liked Cammy’s costume, and yet wish they’d left R. Mika alone?

In several iterations; parced out at full price.

I can only give you one star. Virtua Fighter kept getting better. I wish they’d kept the Quest Mode in the later sequels. The last one on Xbox 360 just made you pay for all the cosmetics up front instead of giving you the satisfaction of earning wearable trophies, which was disappointing.
Final Showdown also made such

Sorry, I meant “you” as “whoever” not you in particular. That big invisible audience out there. At least I’m comforted that kids will be excited to see this movie, then some of them will realize they’ve been exploited, and seek more substance in their entertainment.

Perhaps symbolic of the Zealots’ urge to be gatekeepers hindering humanity’s ability to move on to an age of logic, thus dooming us to an easily avoidable fate.

The first thing that popped into my head.

The moment that kingsguard closed the door I told everybody, “He’s chucking himself out the window,” and it happened.
I just hope there’s an outtake where he puts the crown down, walks off screen, comes back with and umbrella and opens it before jumping out.

Now playing

There’s already a Minecraft movie, it’s called Story Mode.
If you want to watch a movie about a game that doesn’t have a plot, there you go: you win. Pick up your cardboard crown on the way out, you winner.

Right off the bat in that fight Snow knocks a horseman flying with one swing of his sword and I laughed halfway through the whole thing.

Personally I don’t like fireworks for lots of reasons: my neighbor that stockpiles them so they can set them off randomly all year Oh! and of course the time I got shot in the face by a stranger with an artillery shell device while I was riding a bike, and while the irritation of July puts fantasies of tossing road

The finger is for Konami.

Over the past year my friend started a D&D group using the classic Red Box starter kit. However it was one he found for free since it was missing everything but pretty much the character progress chart so he sat in the bar and wrote rule sheets for equipment, spells, skills, and character races.
On an irregular