Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

It isn’t grey at all. It’s purple. 

This. Can’t wait until manufacturers overreact and we are swamped in well-built economy cars and compact pickups with no unwanted features in six years’ time.

I get a very distinct feeling that Stockton Rush sees himself as analogous to Elon Musk.

*Citation needed

The thing about minimalism is that simply hiding all the complexities behind a screen (that’s only ever off when you’re not using the car) doesn’t count. You’re just taking complexity and moving it to a different, less intuitive, less accessible interface. Doing minimalism well is really, really tough - it means

Tesla, full stop

Words cannot express how much I love this recent phenomenon. Killer whales are stressed out all over the world. The Southern Resident population off the coast of BC is listed as endangered. If they want to fuck around with rich folks’ boats, go nuts.

Great. We’ve regressed to the 1800's.

10+ years and still in the grey. This is why people are over at The Drive.

The problem with US Rail is too much regulation and too much negative coverage of the derailment... ~Some dumb red state voter

I'll repost: we're talking about a label maker at a VW dealership, not the nuclear football here


It’s an oil change reminder label maker, not the nuclear football

As an IT person you know for a fact that stand-alone systems like this have zero security. It’s not connected to anything - it just prints the date and miles it’s told to print. https://oilabel.com/oil-sticker-printers/ It has a setup line to print the dealer name.

Boomer FIL claims every car he gets excited about “runs like a scalded dog” which I think means is really fast. Then I drive them and my 4 banger 13 yo Chevy Malibu is faster. Memories are so much better than the real thing.

Counterpoint: These are better as an art piece than an actual vehicle. There is a saying that “old cars become valuable when they become so pretty that you forget how bad they were” - this car is valuable for that reason, but they are still really crappy cars.

Inevitably, anytime an article like this gets written, the heartless assholes love to crawl out of the woodwork saying things like, “If anyone’s dumb enough to take out one of these loans, they deserve what they get.” As if everyone is born with an 800 credit score and knows what an index fund is. But the picture

I don’t think luxury when I think Lexus and Infiniti. Actually owned 2 Infiniti’s and I had them because they had relatively cheap leases.

But just look at the G80 Sport: It’s gorgeous.”