Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

Maybe you don’t get VW in America?

So it needs be 250hp, 300hp...400hp to be sporty? What’s your definition of a sporty CUV for $25k? 

I didn’t think it was even possible to illegally sell a firearm in Texas, yet here we are.

Any weapon that fires more than one round per trigger pull is classified as a machine gun under Title II of the National Firearms act. Due to that level of specificity, it has allowed clever people to come up with all sorts of devices to assist your finger pulling the trigger.

Any gun that can fire multiple rounds with a single trigger pull is a machine gun, by definition

Standard connotation for a gun that fires multiple bullets with a single trigger pull is ‘machine gun’ for people that aren’t big into guns, no matter the shape of the gun. 

These men are the realest of real americans and i am sure Trump will soon pardon them from his Capitol of the confederacy in Florida.

Your experience and qualifications do not negate the innumerable examples of the justice system gone awry, especially for non-whites. You’re either still a naive idealist due to limited experience or already part of the problem.

You’re either the pinnacle of naivete or an absolute idiot.

I’ve met plenty of mouth-breathing trogs, some more qualified than a loser who got a law degree but apparently never practiced like you, who are ready to lick the taint of the system.  Oh and I could spend 5 minutes on twitter trolling for accounts from active practicing lawyers that will tell you that you’re full of

You probably think qualified immunity is a good policy.

You’re either the pinnacle of naivete or an absolute idiot. Prisons are full of people boxed into plea deals or convicted because they thought they had nothing to hide and the police used some circumstantial connection to infer guilt of something.

Yeah, no.

I don’t have anything to hide, but my life is none of their business.

Sure, there are no innocent people in prison today based on loosely drawn connections (sketch artist drew a person that looks vaguely like you and you happened to drive by the crime scene in a car that matches the generic black hatchback description they gave) I have nothing to hide either, but they don’t need full

Until they find a BS reason to have probable cause (air freshener in your window...) scan you car then now start drawing other conclusions on limited data.  Laws have not kept up with the time, items that should require more protection for the police to get data from are “ok” from backdoors like this.  they need to

The border patrol and ICE are both rogue criminal agencies and need to be disbanded immediately.

Warrants? We don’t need no steenking warrants!

Warrants, lol. They actually don’t need them anymore.  So many loopholes.

Good god. It’s been 21st century for more than 2 decades.