Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.

I think it’s because so many stupid people put studded tires on and then just leave them on, forever. I live about an hour south of Boulder, and I have to listen to that irritating buzz all the way through til August some years because morons leave their studs on, throwing up trails of ruined tarmac in their wake (yes

There is a solution- hybrids.

Hardly always true, you just always hear about the bad ones. I’ve only ever dealt with a few dealerships and they’ve all been good.

This is a bad take

This information is taken out of context. I would complain too if I had to buckle up while backing up 6 inches in the driveway, or while trying to line up a trailer.

And this is because of pickup trucks? Look, I’m sure trucks add to the pollution, but take a look at EVERYTHING around you. If it’s man made, it’s likely polluted the Earth. The device you’re usingright now. The power plant that provides its electricity. The ships, trains and big rigs that bring this stuff. The mines

Sure... I have a pickup that swills gas like it is going out of style. Any tank that averages above the teens is a win for me.

Whenever I’ve been overseas, it’s usually Toyota trucks that are bringing foreign aid to disaster relief sites. Heck, for that matter, local floods and fires have civilians using trucks of various descriptions to do that over here in America, too.

I’m really interested in their take on how trucks cause pain around the world.

You should cry more about how people like things that you don’t.

Self-righteousness is a form of blindness. Even if you point, they can’t see it.

You want gas prices to rise? You’re obviously lost and fucking stupid. Yahoo has an auto section tailored just for people like you.

What pain are they causing the rest of the world? And you know the poor are the very first people to suffer when prices of goods rise right? So why do you want this again?

But 10,000 fan boys just blew theirs instead...

1 less RS to blow a head gasket

A single bullet hole (or even several) is very unlikely to cause structural failure in a plane. Bullet holes in pilots tend to cause more serious issues though...

You’ve seen too many movies, my friend. (Spoiler alert! The plane won’t spontaneous explode!)

A bullet hole in the skin of an airplane is not a danger except to anyone the bullet went though first. There’s a slight chance it would hit wiring or hydraulics, but those would rarely case an immediate failure and would most likely result in a safe emergency landing.

Here, let me fix it: