Zed Park

Fivethirtyeight understands it. Bernie’s doing well where everyone is white, but Democratic voters don’t actually look like Bernie’s coalition, they look like Hillary’s. Not to mention that she’s winning the swing states.

This map is not weighted by population, which makes it deeply deceptive (and I’m a Bernie supporter).

You’re surprised the more liberal candidate is being the more center left one in more liberal places? It must be fun being born yesterday.

You realize that map makes it appear that he won NY when he actually had a resounding loss, right? If you can’t win in the most populated areas of the state, sometimes it doesn’t matter if you win 90% of the other far less populated counties - nor should it.

“old rich white lady. totally the candidate for older black people!”

So superdelegates should ignore the part where Clinton is ahead by 2.5 million votes in the popular vote (more now, what with New York and all) as well as in pledged delegates and do what you want because... well. Because you want them to, basically? That makes a ton of sense. So much for all of that talk about “the

As opposed to Kansas, Idaho and Alaska, those well-known bastions of liberalism....

Bernie does better because he’s not a known entity and has never once been subjected to the republican attack machine. When they finished with him, he will be unelectable. The guy took his honeymoon in the Soviet Union, praised Fidel Castro, calls for revolution and raising taxes. They will turn him into Joseph Stalin.

I’ve lost a LOT of respect for Bernie over this election season for exactly the reasons you state. Reminds me of Hillary in 2008 when she wouldn’t give up even into June, while it was abundantly clear that she wouldn’t be the nominee. BTW, I supported Obama in 2008 and 2012. and I support Hillary in 2016.

That is the most sexist and arrogant thing I’ve read in a long time. Hillary IS WINNING, but you expect her to drop out and be HIS VP? The nerve of you! Should she fetch his coffee and rub his shoulders too?

Since he can win mathematically, if he stays in, he better damn well drop the negativity and character assassination towards Hillary, and pivot back to talking about the issues. Otherwise all he is doing is damaging Hillary’s brand knowing full well that she will be the nominee.

Wrong. Steve Kornacki asked Weaver, Sander’s campaign manager, twice if the Sanders campaign would try to use the superdelegates to take the nomination even if Clinton had won the pledged delegate count. He very clearly said yes. Sanders could not win the nominations using only superdelegates from the states he won if

Victory gif!

That should be her winning the nomination dance, she is pretty damn close! YAAAS Hillary! Also, you just made me realize that Hillary is one of the few people in the world who can pretty much wear every color and make it look amazing. Is it a coincidence that she and Lupita are one of the few and I love them both? I

You’re insistence on properly identifying part’s of speech is whats keeping us from the revolution.

To be fair this does make a strong case for free college

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

Hillary is a total Hermione. She knows the answer to every possible question you could ask her, and she knows the questions, too.

Hillary knows two things: 1, that she was going to lose the fuck out of New Hampshire. 2, that she is going to ruin Bernie’s whole entire shit going forward.