Zed Park

My heart is with Bernie’s platform though I do feel that he is looking less respectfully at Clinton when she speaks than she is when he speaks. No one should forget Al Gore’s disastrous debate behaviour in which he rolled his eyes, sighed and snorted. Bern, if you are confident in your position, you can afford to look

God, I miss being absolutely right all the time. 22 was such fun.

Just old white feminists doing their old white feminist thang (and maybe trying to score a spot in Hill’s cabinet).

One of my friends is like that and I am probably voting for Hilary, but she thinks I hate Hilary as much as she does and she’ll be like CAN YOU BELIEVER HER? BERNIE IS GOD! whenever Clinton, like, breathes.

*thumbs up*

....gay dude here....voted for Hil in ‘08, have waited 8 years to do it again.....love the Bern, but as people are so fond of telling women, “Yes, but it’s not your time”.....

Sanders lost me when he released his energy policy proposal. Carbon tax and nuclear moratorium on the same page? I don’t trust his advisors.

“Old white feminists” would be a valid criticism if there was a young woman of color running, but since the alternative is an old white man, I’m not sure what the point of your phrasing is.

I 100% endorse this comment, and I’m borderline one of those Bernie people. (BORDERLINE. I’d really like to think I’m not obnoxious.....)

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

If you are a Bernie supporter, fine.

I’m also on team whoever-Dems-nominate. I would just be very surprised if the majority of voters in this country would actually turn out for someone who identifies (and will be strongly labeled as) a socialist.

Right? I’m waiting for the attack ad where Sanders promises to pay for his “socialist” programs by taxing everyone. They have the debate footage. All that’s needed is some foreboding music and you have a relatively honest attack ad that’s going to sting.

I want to see what those polls look like after the Republicans start attacking Sanders. Apart from the occasional Trump comment, they’ve left him alone, focusing all their fire on Clinton.

Just like a poll asking people to rate each candidates “electability.”

Well, you’re looking at a national poll, taken before the primaries, so it really says nothing.

Those are not the only women’s issues, by the way. But it’s still a fair description.

If you are a woman, or have a daughter who will grow up to be one, and you live in America, you have three choices:

Any time I hear news like this, I find it so disheartening. It is literally so hard for some to think of women as people, unless they have one of their very own. Except every single fucking person has a woman in their life. Good, I’m glad something can make people open their eyes and see inequality, but I just wish it