
What a ridonkerously awesome car!

He could. But he won’t.

The amount of readers who unintentionally made themselves look like asses by “miss-understanding” the basic point of the thing they are trying to make fun of! I’d say I can’t get enough of it but actually I’m truly losing what little faith in humanity I have left so...please stop

Please detail the thought process that led you to conclude my own paycheck was $1200. I am truly at a loss.



If they were that enlightened they wouldn’t be spending $200k on a car in a world where billions are literally starving to death.

Correct. That was my exact point. Not sure the confusion over this.

It hurts my soul that you still don’t even get that nowhere in my comment did I say or even imply anything about my own paycheck and that I was commenting on the empirically correct point that consumers are dumping more and more of their incomes into lengthy car payments. Truly astounding. Your username checks out.

I just bought a Ford Fusion Energi and the interior is better than the Audi Q5 I had, which had ENDLESS, major problems, including with the interior. The overall design esthetic of the Germans and Swedes is superior but I’m done paying a premium for the headache.

What you’re hearing are completely speculative thoughts echoing around in your own tiny brain.

And you need to learn how quotations work.

Please, PLEASE LEARN HOW TO READ PEOPLE. It’s alarming how many people can read something the way they want it to be instead of what was actually written. What does that remind me of? Oh yeah, 1/2 of America. We are so fucked.

Sorry you don’t know how to read.

while not bad not but matching its competitors

LOL at all the butthurt GM fanboys.

Well, first of all I have eyes, and they kinda hurt when I look at the Caddy, particularly the interior. Second, it’s a GM car. They are better than they used to be, but do I really need to elaborate further?

$600 a month lease for a shitty bottom of the hierarchy end of the generation GM “luxury” “sports car” with mediocre at best reviews across the board?

That’s just the mobile incineration version.

What do you mean? It’s as real as the healthy, delicious AND refreshing taste of America’s favorite drink, Coke!