
The outside kinda looks...bad... and I generally love French cars. That being said,

Pretty sure I’ve seen that one.

But Merica is winning!!!! (the race to the bottom)

That’s not what alliteration is.

Regardless of whether they win, lose or settle, the outcome will amount to nothing more than a slap on the wrist, cost of doing business write off. I really don’t think a few specialized track cars overheating is what will do GM in... MANY of other significantly more egregious incidents have fail such an

a) It doesn’t always HAVE to be that way, our society has simply chosen to make it such

Ugh that cannot be unseen, thanks.

Not if the media decides to corvair it.

Wow, they sound kinda unsafe at any speed!

This is sure to be the ignition of some heated debate.

LOL seconded.

Um you just made MY point.

So if the market will correct this behavior, why have car dealers been notoriously shady and a constant source of complaints for decades?

Or, instead of forcing people to do huge amounts of digging for information that is intentionally obfuscated by dealers and manufactures and then necessitating so much checking for loop holes and fine print that you need to hire a consultant like Tom just to find out the real fucking price of the car you’re dropping

Chris Christie and Steve Bannon were on their way to a lynching but had an accident on the way. Chris is a habitual road offender.

Um yeah especially if you start trying to upgrade/retrofit things... danger.

That commute sounds horrible, but fair enough, especially in regards to your last point!

Hardcore. After years of driving a manual in DC I finally gave up.

These days I find a manual fun for a day when I have a nice place to drive. 95+% of the time it’s a pain in the ass anachronism. Especially anywhere urban or suburban. In my experience. That is all. Good talk.