Zed Norris

Nobody does 22 episodes a season anymore. You’re lucky to get 10, 13, or 16 episodes per depending on the show’s budget. AoS is 10 per. Agent Carter S2 will be at least 10. JJ and DD on NetFlix are 13.

Xenu Returns: Launches L.A. Night Club

First Contact: Beanie Babies Demand Returns

I don’t know anyone who thinks $30k is affordable for a car. Equivalent to a year’s salary, maybe, but not the price of a car and certainly not an affordable one. What planet are you from?

She WAS using the Force the entire time. Mostly to keep her dentures from ejecting as she delivered her handful of five word lines.

Even more surprising was Bobacca’s nude, helmet-only wedding to Gardulla the Hutt. Never saw that one coming!

If it isn't in English, American audiences will not watch it. Certainly not enough to matter for box office success.

Yosemite shmemite. Damn the facts. This article is by an exceptionally attractive woman. That’s all that matters. Now quick, look at another high resolution photo of Pluto. Controversy obliterated.