It feels good to finally get this corroboration. It’s how I learned it 30+ years ago and how I teach writing to students now. #oxfordftw
It feels good to finally get this corroboration. It’s how I learned it 30+ years ago and how I teach writing to students now. #oxfordftw
Correction: 49% of voters. A small minority compared to the total population of the U.S.
I’ll never understand media companies that bank on the number of channels rather than the quality shows people want to watch. We watch SHOWS that happen to be on channels. Don’t give 2 farts about the channels themselves. What? You have 250 channels for $10 a month? What a deal... Except none of those channels have my…
I use Hangouts and plan to stick with it because I also use it for free Wi-Fi calling through Ting so my monthly phone bill is between $9-$11. I just wish it wasn’t so ugly and had more features.
I smell a top ten list brewing here...
I believe the study is seriously flawed. My wife and I are exceptionally frugal but we still get quality 2-ply in bulk at Family Dollar that’s just as good or better than the name brand stuff. We also now pay less than half what we used to with more coverage and lower deductibles by switching our car insurance from a…
Is this still a thing?