
@Graviton1066: "innovative" as in adding a wheel to a 300 year old design

Why is everything that google does spun as an attempt to kill something else around here? They try things out. Some work, like gmail, and some don't, like wave. I don't think will work but is certainly not an attempt to kill yelp by any stretch of the imagination.

@pixiedelion: I think the point is that you have to pay for something that is available for free many other places. Considering that it doesn't work that well, or so i hear, that's kind of a bad business model.

@SlimDan22: Hello RIAA, MPAA I have a suspect for you :)

@Kevin Neberman: I think you missed the sarcasm quotes around the word flop

@isuee94: Where is the the simultatious collaboration there? Not that I don't like drop box

And simultaiously 10000 masters students around the country cheered

@ddmeightball: The biggies would be Google Shopper and ShopSavvy. Things like this are old hat for android, and by old I mean from the very beginning.

@Max Goodman: You and your silly sense making makes me angry as a sheep of Gizmodo. The authors are infallible as is their logic. /s

So aside from wireless syncing all of the real changes are unlikely.

NewsRob, function over form. "Ugly" should never be a determinate factor when discussing the merits of technology.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I'm glad I'm not the only one with the giant rubbermaid container of tech junk

@brijazz: True, but it's still a crap "feature"

"Modal computing"

@Bramsey89: Naww not even close. The points are every where and most of them are friendly.

@The Intangible Fancy: So basically this would apply to "kinetic" zooming / rotating / etc., meh no big loss really