"sure, eyes get tired. but it's not because of the backlit screen"
"sure, eyes get tired. but it's not because of the backlit screen"
You must not have actually counted the number of things that they've started then. Here's a small sample:
Please stop calling an phone or tablet and ebook reader. Yes, they can display an ebook. So can my desktop. If it doesn't have an eink screen or equivalent, the back light is still going to kill your eyes. That's the difference of the Kindle or Nook (not the Nook color). Those you can read for a few hours and your…
"The interchangeable grill inserts allow you to switch between a grill grate, griddle, pizza stone and vegetable tray"
You've got to root your girlfriend first and then you can do whatever you want with her :)
Awww man, I'm working my masters there right now. I'll just go mope in a corner that my school is this involved with stupid research.
Look out here comes another one!
What are they going to do, put MORE gigantic annoying ads in the way of their content?
Yeah who would ever want to use extra screen real estate for doing more than one thing at a time. Just imagine people having multiple "windows" open at a time. What a crock! /s
@RoboticSpacePenguin: The one that actively tries to limit your freedom is the one that is the one forcing you to conform
@RawlsRorty: Literature is open to interpretation by those who consume it and is not limited to one arbitrarily deemed correct meaning. Just as Orwell examined how the meaning of language could change ideology.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: If you are a part of a small group that is resiting the conformity of a large group are you being an individual? Individuality is a form of resisting conformity but resisting conformity is not inherently a form of individuality.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: They do deal with individuality. The prevealent theme in the Apple ad and 1984 though is resistance against forced conformity, at least in this clip that forced nature doesn't come through.
@RoboticSpacePenguin: The Apple commercial and 1984, the novel it's based on, isn't about being a unique individual. It's about defying an all controlling overlord. Incidentally the overlord in the novel does everything possible to make the general population that everything it does is for the citizens’ best…
@TortillaLover: To hold prices consistent regardless of currency is the anomaly in the business world. It really makes sense. Navigation apps that have limited market appeal domestically due to google maps could be offered cheap to free while at a higher price where the is actual demand. It's basic pricing economics.
@crazypills77: Your posting history made it seem otherwise. At any rate have a nice day :)
@ddjeffries: Being that it's andoird, I'm sure you can use alternative launcers on this too
@crazypills77: Here's a shiney ball with an apple logo on it, will that keep your attention?
Live Blog here by the way
@aquaclear: Eventually I think so. There are several core improvements that phones could take advantage of besides the UI eye candy