
@AlphaIOmega: Is your research backed by the center for intelligent design by any chance? If so then your logic makes complete sense.

@AlphaIOmega: "you kids obviously don't know what true atheists do..."

@AlphaIOmega: "Rejection meaning you refuse to believe therefore acknowledging it"

@AlphaIOmega: "being anti religion only says that you acknowledge that there is a god"

Why would you doubt that they'd do this? It seems quite their MO. Deny there is a problem and quietly fix it when someone proves them worng.

@fate47 - meh.: "As pointed out in the article, the insides of Apple laptops and Windows laptops are identical. If you are only talking specs, then they are about the same.

@fate47 - meh.: I guess I should clarify then. When I think about computers and which one is better I think about what it is capable of doing (i.e. processor power, ram, storage, etc.) and not the box that it comes in (i.e. unibody aluminum vs plastic).

@ryszard: I'm not saying that they don't make good products, but their empahsis and they way they move the company forward is all about marketing. Companies that make equally quality products but don't market so heavily are largely viewed as inferior because Apple market's so heavily.

This is an interesting look at Apple, but it again shows that they're more of a marketing company than a computer company. They come up with these grandiose manufacturing processes and terms and really it's more about building their elitist image than it is about improving their product. A CNC 9 million process

@aerodave: Interesting, but as gravity is a function of mass, could it be possible that the the faster redistribution of the water to the poles and it's additional mass could exacerbate the planetary distortion initiated by the rotation?

What I think invalidates these studies for practical purposes is they generally don't elaborate on the tangible benefit for the winning categories. It's touched on here for discounting the color gamut and contrast ratios, but it still doesn't really translate into real world experience.

I sure hope it doesn't pre load all of that animation and video crap when the ad is first displayed. That will kill your bandwith.

@venc: You get to pay them money.

@roblema: "and for phones that looks monitored by "big ad brother" (all google phones) "

So a display that is supposed to have more pixels does. Huzza! Apple didn't lie.

@cec: "The rate of obsolescence for iPhones is 2 years, which is definitely better than Android phones"

@SquaIor: All I have to say is