
I get your jest, but the big problem is that the number of places you can go and pay $25 to responsibly do this are disappearing daily. It’s too much liability for the small tracks in this sue-happy world, plus you are likely going to sit around for 2-3 hours just to make a couple passes because its the only track

It’s honestly pretty easy and cheap to build a 1000+hp FI engine, but lets not pretend like the will hold up to all that heat for more than a few minutes at a time.

Is Chuck Yeager Chuck Norris’s illegitimate father? Your story would have been better if you said he took down two planes without firing a shot - because he roundhouse kicked them out of the sky.

Yeah, except his arm isn’t on the ground there. It’s about the same height as his knee, so about 6" off the grass.

While this is a fucked up world that we live in, it really isn’t any more fucked up than its ever been. I would say its a hell of a lot better than it was 100+ years ago, but now you just have media shoving every single bit of bad news down our throats on a 24 hour a day basis.

How many retail workers are prompted to give public interviews on a regular basis? This country would have a serious unemployment problem if we fired all of the assholes. Honestly, who the hell doesn’t have a complete asshole/bitch moment every now and then?

Ssshhh... People aren’t allowed to know the truth.

Me. 6'4" husband and father of 2 kids under 4. I fit in it just fine, I see out of it just fine, and I think it looks fantastic as a convertible.

Don’t forget school buses.

Fucking disabled people, causing all sorts of anarchy. May they burn in Hell(MI) for not conforming and being capable of driving a Prius and liking it for it’s boringness straight from the factory.</s>

In what world are the people at the DMV/BMV competent on the mechanics of vehicle safety? Do you need an engineering degree to work there?

Sorry to be “uncivilized”, but Your Opinion is shit.

Ban buses and 18 wheelers as well...

I have a minimally lifted jeep (1" front only to fit 33" tires) and I will 100% agree with this.

Actually, that probably will fix the problem because there will be no more train bridge.

You can stuff a welder in a toolbox?

This comment made me laugh and gag at the same time. Star begrudgingly given.

Cool dads don’t drive wagons or CUV’s, they drive 2 door convertibles.

Just needs a flat bottom steering wheel.

Because people still live along those long stretches of straight roads. Contrary to popular belief, ‘flyover’ country isn’t just some barren land filled with autonomous tractors harvesting food for all of us.