"Microsoft is still huge"
"Microsoft is still huge"
I don't get what seems so great about windows phone 7. Honestly 6.5 looks more interesting to me than it.
How did the contestants manage to stay serious . . .
@pvcrisp: It looks kind of cute. . .
@Buckwheat79: While I am not an apple fanboy (heck not even a fan, Android and windows all the way!) I do think that was rather unnecessary.
@Plavixo: You know, I wouldn't mind if my blog got "lifehacker effect" ed :p That would be amusing. Even better would be my home server which is also my main computer. BRING IT OOOONNNN.
Couldn't it indeed damage hardware? Like a virus to turn off cpu and GPU fans completely. Or to make the harddrive do lots of funky stuff that increases wear dramatically.
@nickerooni: Well it's worth just about as much now. . . (minus the cost of the screen). And not if you consider the cost and use of the OS as part of the value.
@psychiccheese: Oh xD. Well I normally shift-delete everything, though the enter through me off. . . Though perm deleting is a pretty bad habit cause once in a while I delete important things.
@Matt0505: I am inclined to agree(about the last sentence)
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: But dodging the traffic is the best part!
@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: But dodging the traffic is the best part!
@psychiccheese: Eh, I don't actually know what shift+delete+enter does. . . Care to enlighten me?
@grewal12: I believe so actually. I was testing that out just now.
The sidekick seems cooler than the "hero" himself.
@valdesjone: Yeah! I have the olympic 1810T too. I do get quite many a question about why there is an olympic symbol on it though .
That annoys me. I just bought the 1810T like 4 months ago for around 600 Dollars :(
@OCEntertainment: It lacks some hardware features (4G, Front Facing Camera), BUT in terms of specs it is more beast. That OMAP proc is teh BOMB. :p
I gotta say, all of the droid marketed phones have been winners. . . .I will be annoyed if they put it on a product of lesser quality in the future.