
@dfxdeimos: It has nothing to do with what you can take in your own doses at your own pace... We are talking about having to view the unexpected on a regular basis... Like having to look at mangled animals the day after your dog dies... looking at gunshot wounds the week after your cousin offs himself, kiddiepr0n the

@bustedchain: There is something to be said though about the human brain and what it can take under a regular dose of carnage... for example, say someone you are close to dies in a terrible car accident and photos of it are plastered all over the net... you may find yourself wanting to quit a job that requires you to

@RigAudio: Admirable.... However, when people are willing to do things for free, it makes getting paid well to do them that much harder.

@Kogo: I promoted this comment purely for your confession of carrying a "manpurse".

I'm in a novel writing mood, so here's my 2... 4... er, 6 cents on the films listed:

Pepakura is amazing. It's super useful for prototyping on the fly( granted it can take a long time to cut and assemble paper models). And if you work with fiberglass or brushable resins, you can really turn out some useful things. Assuming you can 3d model of course.

My opinion about dealing with these hate mongers is for the media to stop announcing when they are going to be somewhere. The media is a better publicist than anyone you could find in Hollywood. Stop throwing gasoline on the fire ffs.

Das Experiment is on OnDemand on my cable subscriber... its either on Starz or Cinemax i forget where i saw it, but its worth a look if you get those channels ondemand.

@evilgooey: I can understand the skepticism and how it seemed a little too perfect, however, I don't know how the mind of a black-ops super ninja-soldier gone rogue mercenary actually works in a situation like that (in real life), so I was willing to believe that someone well trained and with a ton of experience

@manimatr0n: Also, it's present time not the future/past. Because, I gathered it was roughly 2030/1993 going by the cliches.

@shaunmcilroy: Funny you said a Farrell movie, because I was think in Step Brothers when they are on the bunk beds and he says, "it's like the rock of Gibraltar."

I pointed out the gun-sight collage missing from the movie 2 seconds into the credits to my cousin when we saw it on opening day. I also said, they must have added it them to make it look more badassy. OOOORRRR there is an original cut of the film that doesn't have a limit of 3 hunters. I doubt it, but its not

Ah, may his earthquake machine be secretly used by the US government to remind the world how much they need us, eternally.

@Obieousmaximus: Well, District 9. The aliens were basically weak, feeble, mud bugs.

@NuevoLeon: However, if we launched a manned mission for Mars, it would be plastered on every channel.

@rockmanrotties: There are probably 10 inventions in your current field of vision that would not exist in modern technology if it weren't for NASA.