
It's only moments now until the actual box calls to you, by name, and begins explaining why you should by it, a la anything written by Philip Dick.

@ripfire: I'm trying to figure out where you got information that whale turds are salty...

@core53mail003: Well, assuming they were arranged to fit, a more than 42000 ping pong balls fit in a car that size, almost 43000, so 30 cars:

Officially the most overly punned comments on io9.

Finally, I can buy a bottle of Heineken that proudly displays:

@FriedPeeps: Also, when the Ipad's battery dies, we'll still be playing with the deck of cards while they watch in envy.

@swenson: If someone freaks out and starts killing and eating the others, I think they want it on the ground. There is a saying in the space industry: "Ground control"

@Megamonolithpictures: While I respect your creativity, it's scum like you that make it hard to find legitimate paying work on c-list.

Not sure why I don't like the modern style of writing in the present. I would rather read stuff written in the 40-60's. I like nobs and levers and visiscreens and bulbs and tubes.

Not sure I am grasping the concept of what is and isn't wanted, other than the specific things stated.

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: I felt like they went through great lengths to make Dren so different, you wouldn't see the attraction, making it shocking that it happened.

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: My other reply doesnt make any sense, I must have been reading something else, so I'll try again.

@Ide Cyan: SCIFI-Glam-photography and Fantasy illustrations are far from being a live action sex scene, or just in general a live person in a movie.

@Cerasus: The difference being, Soon yi (sp) was 8 when she was adopted, not a baby, and she was not raised by Woody Allen. So yes, it is a point of reference, but not the same argument.

@DasStan: Bloodhound Gang did put it best: Hooray for Boobies

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: I see what you are saying, and again, I respect the difference in opinion. I'm just debating.

I think people are way to hard on the matrix trilogy, Reloaded especially.