ze bra


because your using rankings as though that were some kind of hard fact akin to an actual win. They aren’t. Again I call your attention to the fact that nobody ranked strike force guys ahead of their UFC counterparts until they came in and actually beat them. Same with WEC. Rankings aren’t wins my friend. But you

yeah a dominant UFC champ crossing to Bellator and getting worked is pretty relevant. Great he won his next fight but a UFC stud got worked by a Bellator stud showing parity at the top along with the Eddie example. Eddie coming from Bellator to UFC and winning the belt is a big deal. And he beat Melendez and RDA to

top to bottom UFC does have more talent, but it isn’t as much of a runaway as you think. Your previous assumption of “the majority of Bellator’s roster would get their asses handed to them against middle of the road competition in the UFC” just isn’t correct. We’ve seen this play out time and time again with other

Alvarez is the current UFC lightweight champ lol. He was a Bellator guy that lost his belt to Michael Chandler (who still fights for Bellator). Koreshkov rolled former UFC Champion Benson Henderson in his Bellator world title fight. so, um, no that’s just not true...At all.

hope you poured yourself a nice glass of member berry wine cause this is you right now:

so does everybody in Canada look a little like Seth Rogen? Or only when there is massive pot involved?

“Man I still say K-Mart’s like theres an apostrophe s on it, dawg”

Me and my buddy used to get into this argument (approximately a decade ago), who would you rather wake up as tomorrow morning, Leo or Timberlake? Now that Leo has an Oscar and a dadbod and JT is married and essentially irrelevant, which two famous dudes should this be up between? Was thinking Lebron maybe then

that’s the longest statement that man has ever given to anybody about anything...

Tom, you sly NARC!

its a false flag op. last paragraph proves it :

this is a good golf man wearing bad American golf jeans...

Rochester isn’t on Long Island .... so consider the geography ball dropped here as well....

what is this? A school bus for straws?!!?!

Hope he gets Sicario’d

A pro wrestler engaging in a believable “work”? who’d have thunk it.

just be more upfront about it... like