ze bra

didn't Seau shoot himself in the chest so they could examine his CTE riddled brain? That not violent?

clearly this is spray on hair....

in his best Don Rickles voice

hey Andy I want your job. Do you need a cannatorial assistant?

ambien sleepwalk(sleepdrive) murder spree?

Foles almost lost me a game this week until Sproles saved his ass. How I ended up stuck with Nick Fucking Foles is a long story, but Darren over Bush and Gore was a good play this week!

this has to be worse than the standard whoop in the ass everybody gets coming up tho right? Not saying it is the correct thing to do, just that the jails would be a whole lot more full (if that's even physically possible) if we had arrested every parent that whipped their kid in the ass now and then.

double my ass. double is like bare minimum. that's like saying smoking cigarettes doubles your chance of getting cancer. definitely way more exponential than that, just can't prove it yet (NFL that is, clock ran out on cigs decades back).

You are correct, my apologies, that part was aimed more at Tim. However, the "good" NFLers never speak up about the bad ones, to police them or force them out of the league; yet they are not judged thusly, they are held to a completely different standard. They produce the same amount of criminals yet one sport is

Good MMA guy here. Had to chime in re: both you and Tim. I take a bit of exception to the notion that "bad" MMA athletes are in any way worse than any other sport out there, particularly violent contact sports. They all produce the occasional rotten apple. I would argue at a similar rate, quite honestly. NFL has

My weekly uniform to the game:

That's why we need to shift the name to Cannabis. Shannon Sharpe would literally never be able to speak about it again.

Guy has the IQ of my left nut (at best) and Nebraska sucks... Go fuck yourself Pelini you drunk bully ass hole.


Was the white kid unarmed, in a predominantly white area, policed solely by black cops with a history of unaccounted for brutality against the local white population? This isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and orange flavored soda.

bye bye pop pop, say bye bye!!

not simultaneously anyway...

You know Fedor is part owner of M-1 global right? Just to answer your parenthetic question mark with a big resounding "mmmmmm probably not".

both of these comments made me chuckle. High fives all around!

thats as suckery as a sucker punch gets. He even set his feet like happy gilmore to get a nice running start. fuckin skill position guys....