... Why is it that it's "cool" to trash Reddit here on Kotaku?
... Why is it that it's "cool" to trash Reddit here on Kotaku?
As I expected after reading the title alone. The comments are filled with rage against parents as if their sole purpose in life is to be tied to their children 24/7 x 365 days a year.
Exactly. Visiting Japan is visiting the general future of technology. They had DVD players integrated into the average city household years before we'd even heard of them as well as highly sophisticated cellphones for their time before we started seeing ours in stores. I was again stunned a couple of years ago when I…
The article is a fascinating read, it raises a major question of whether the folks at Nintendo are even aware of the idea of online play being a big deal. Regardless of any other issues with the Wii U, the friend code system is downright crippling to any online play and poor network code can absolutely sink a title…
Hold B to pass on the lefthand side...
Get the fuck outta here, square.
You haven't played games until you've played games while.....HIIIIIIIIIIIIGH
Hey prude, vaporizers and the such(bongs, hookahs,etc.) can be and are used for much more than just smoking pot.(as seen in the video which I did not watch but I know they use it for tobacco like most people who own vaporizers/hookahs) So...there's the door. BYE
Snacktaku needs to do a review on this!
You're right.. Killzone isn't on PC. Lets forget the hundreds of games that are only on PC and we'll just call it a win for you. :D
in his defense, insulting someone random on the internet is not considered a "joke". That or ya have horrible sense of humor :P Football sucks.
Me too. >_>
It is here, and it will be the death of us all!!!!
I am so sorry
Is part of the problem also an obsession with scripted sequences? That's what I took away from the 'shoot the hinges' idea. It wouldn't be such a big deal if ALL hinges could be shot.
Dick movement provides the seed for good fruit.
First you claim ignorance, then you disrespect. That's cool, I guess.