
It's ok, I don't feel the need to flame. It's like a mental patient claiming he's Jesus, it's simply not true and a pitiable statement. ;-)

Hey no worries, Kotaku's comment system isn't the easiest to follow. And again, when I use the term "one-hit wonder", it's not meant in a negative way. It's just a sad part of pop culture. Humans for the most part take in entertainment, and recycle it to take in more. I get really sad when talking to some people about

Dude, you are not even listening to this conversation. We were talking SPECIFICALLY about his success outside of Korea. Not about his success anywhere before that. I DO NOT think that the world revolves around America. I happen to live in America, so I am talking about the fact that Psy, an Asian musician happened to

No, I'm afraid you're completely incorrect. Just because his song was a hit due to youtube, does not make him any less of a one-hit wonder, than if he had released a single for the American Market.

In fact, it makes it even more of a novelty, because it was discovered virally. Rebecca Black also didn't release a single

I completely agree with this statement. Having an illustrious career in your "own country" doesn't stop you from being referred to as a one-hit wonder in other countries, if you don't have more than one hit. Lots of international bands have had long successful careers in their home countries, but little to no hits in

Never mind the fact that they somehow did exactly what they said they WEREN'T going to do. Don't forget that this is a GAME.