
No one does, that's the point dipshit.

You know nothing worth noting.

Shut the fuck up Lozzle, the most you're played of the game is to level 20.

People like this fool make me question why we give convicted felons any rights at all. The guards should be allowed to carve a few corporate sony and PS3 logos all over him for amusement.

The fact that you've made it further, otherwise you can join the unhappy masses and give us something to laugh/be happy about. :)

Someone's watched a bit too much Casino and Goodfellas - Vegas is no longer run by the mob son, corporate took over a while back after the jimmy haffa case.

You have it backwards. Any game company worth it's position will ban cheaters and botters - especially if it's a paid product. Many of my WoW and Diablo 3 accounts are in that graveyard haha.

No ads, no microtx shop, no 4" screen, and actual fun.

Funny thing is - you're the butthurt one. :)

TL:DR; I don't care this much man. I think all that comic book stuff is juvenile, and no wall of text will alter my opinion on the matter.

Obviously I hit a sore spot so let me refine my statement: Apart from ratings, if the writing makes me cringe because it is so sanitized for children then I deem it to be a childrens work. To me, comics and associated movies are for kids. :P Sorry bud.

But he just built a gaming PC....................................................... -_-

I beg to differ. I do believe that comics and superhero movies are for children, heck they eat that shit up like candy. I don't play many games with a PG-13 rating, and last time I checked most Marvel films are targeted at children.

So, you think there's an age cap on enjoying video games? I bet 90% of the industries workforce would love to argue that viewpoint.

You just spoiled it for me, but that's entirely ok since I am old enough not to care about comic books and superhero movies.

Ew dude, no.

This is good news? Lol that show never really sparked my interest, or anyone else who's company I enjoy.

Except that the dinosaurs here are uninspired and so corny a 12 year old has better shit to do.

I thought this was revolutionary, then I realized it's the same price as a usual capture card. If I want to spend $700 on something I'll make a 3-way SLI setup out of my 780's.