
Man this game seems so cool, this is the second game ever that makes me want to buy a PS4, Metal Geal 4 being the other. (I've not owned a single console past Psx)

That was the point of the article and by the way, GED doesn't exist in Sweden.

Shit man I've been looking at porn since I knew how to wield Netscape.

Try the Technic pack, I can get the game to render distances with super fast chunk loading that bring my i7 and 12gb ram to their knees.

Have you heard of mods? Nope.

You're part of the problem then.

Women who enjoy video games scare me, my girl watches me play Path of Exile here and there but after a maximum of 30 minutes it's pay attention to the girlfriend time and I like it that way - it's normal. If I was a mechanic and not a computer geek I would still not want my wife to be able to work on cars that's just


"To take a screenshot on the Nexus 7 you have to hold down the power and volume down buttons for several seconds"

haha xD

So considering that PC gaming has never declined growth I'm speculating you mean to say it's a load of bullshit? I agree, I tried animating a voxel-based model once and now I'd rather have sex with a retarded woman.

This reminds me of point dart cluster geometry, you get tons and tons of detail at a fraction of the traditional resource costs but animating said creations requires a PhD in theoretical physics.

Ach du Scheisse die Jugend von heute hat echt einen klatschen.

You would have gotten sued for destruction of property and if it was a valuable slave it could have cost a few pretty pennies too. The "right" thing to do would have been to return the lost slave to his owner... this world sucks.

then you're level-headed, congratulations!

Most of the information from Kotaku comes from Reddit... xD

You should just go out with your firearm and look for suspicious things, see what happens.

Some people take the PC vs. Mac argument to the same level as Democracy vs. Communism, so that's like telling a passionate politician to put a lid on it.

So yeah I played black ops 2 and it REALLY made me want to ride a horse through Pakistan wielding an RPG and various assault rifles!