
lol just stating that I already own a more powerful gaming device now and that by the time that new xbox thing comes to market it will already be archaic.

Clear, yes. But you're still wrong.

Yeah dude you lost all your validity with me with that statement.

It cost about 20 times more than a brand new console, and that being said I never implied that my PC was a better deal. For me, it's not worth buying any console.

You sound like my kind of guy.

You're right. And as a rule of thumb almost any Xbox 360 game can be ported to PC with relative ease considering the XBox's similar architecture - this is also why development on xbox took off super quick with the ps3 lacking behind with crappy ports for years.

A baseline gaming pc with all peripherals isn't to much more expensive than a console and a TV with an extra controller. Maybe 200-300 more and that's totally worth the incredibly superior experience.

Wouldn't that insinuate that they are missing out on the protein that is HD graphics and the various fats that are the superior controls and possibilities?


Couldn't have said it better. I have a surround setup running 5760x1080 so 720p downscaling and low-res textures are foreign to me and laughable at best. Even if I had the means to I don't think I'd develop for the console market - other than Ouya lol.

It entirely invalidates your "argument" that the games are pretty much the same. That's absolutely not the case and you know it.

aren't we forgetting about CS, DayZ, and DotA?

More games? Where are you getting this from?

"Usually I love to read Kotaku comments because the community is, most of the time, pretty mature and respectful."

You're not entirely informed on how Consoles work. Most of them barely have a GPU and already rely on 6-9 differnt cpu's and endless buffers. They may smell like a PC - but they're not.

You walked right past the modding aspect as if it was just a tiny little thing...