You talking about the same button he can use to get a Coca-cola whenever he wants??
You talking about the same button he can use to get a Coca-cola whenever he wants??
Now THAT would be a scary fucking game
Damn I Love her
Hahaha all the stars for you
I wonder what would have happened if Jove was Black?
Scrolled right past the photo to read the article. My first thought is “Typical Florida dickhead I guess.” I was quite surprised when I got back to the top of the page.
Ahhhh wonderful, more “taught at home by the parents” racism.... THIS is how the virus of hate will continue into the next generation. You are seeing it right here.
Where do you think they get it? I cant imagine the conversations these kids hear at home that allows them to think that this type of behavior is ok.
That’s great. I like the idea of making them myself even better
Ok wait a minute..... Are you telling me pizza scorecards are a real thing? Damn it, how am I just learning about this!
I dunno, it depends..... You getting anything good?
The reaction from his wife, watching her husband verbally assault complete strangers and young girls none the less...... THAT is the problem with this country. Enjoy going home and letting that racist pig crawl all over you.
I am so excited for this game... But I have to admit, the subject matter and tone scares the dog shit out of me
Ahhh here we go.... More proof of America being “made great again”
Jesus, she sounds like that awful chick from Hateful Eight.... What did she honestly think was going to happen? She can just verbally assault someone and go about her day?
Come on Brian..... We would actually like to be able to listen to the music in these soundtracks
The strength and love you two share is incredible. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family
So I cant listen to this unless I’m in Japan? Is there a setting or something I don’t know about on Youtube?
How about we just go with Sandra Bullocksees and make the people happy