That sounds way too familiar lol... My backlog is killing me
That sounds way too familiar lol... My backlog is killing me
That sounds way too familiar lol... My backlog is killing me
That sounds way too familiar lol... My backlog is killing me
What is that anime gif from? It looks really familar
Love both of them... What great choices for the lead roles of this show
I unfortunately will be trying this right away when I get one lol
Hmmmm and folks wonder why so many different communities in the country don’t trust the cops....
So Drumpf used to go by John Baron in fake interviews, and use the name in (probably shady) business dealings.... Then later names his son Baron...
Well, here we go....
Yea I really dont understand it.. Kinja sucks
Priceless fucking Gold... Stars for you.
Papa John’s is trash pizza anyway. Why do you think it comes with all those sauces... To hide how basic and mediocre that shit is
Those are some pretty amazing Graphics.
Great work
Thank was pretty incredible. Thank you for sharing
I have always wanted to try this. I am sooo pumped it’s coming to PS4... I saw a Playstation flight stick recently, any knowledge if it would be compatible with something like that?
Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve really wanted to try this game, and now I have a chance to really dive in a bit
Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve really wanted to try this game, and now I have a chance to really dive in a…
Damn it... That made me laugh more than it should have
Ebay is my best friend for finding old, and out of print games
Yes I really did... I didn’t know of the criticism when I played the game. But it is very fun and a bit more refined than the original. Some levels can drag on a little bit if you obsessively search every corner like I did. But it has an intense story, great imagery, and some very memorable moments. The brawl style…
Damn I LOVED the Condemned series.. A new one is needed right now