
Buy a honda. Specifically an S2000 lol

Leading to many dealership conversations like this:

Damn, man. Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?

A better question is how fast can I?

Aston Martin flew the first six Vulcan customers to Abu Dhabi so Darren Turner and his team could teach them how to drive their 820 horsepower V12 track monsters.

Very cool!

Haha that’s brilliant!

My favorite has been, still is, and probably always will be Prince playing Purple Rain in the Rain.

okay Beyonce was amazing... but can we talk about Lady Gaga for a second? our national anthem is known among singers for being a bitch and a half, and girl NAILED it without breaking a sweat. I was seriously impressed.

Me too, but then I always think of mandatory Sunday afternoon community service wearing a bright orange vest picking up trash at the side of the road. I then continue with my original, legal day as initially planned.

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.

Islamic extremists hate BACN.

At this rate, Ferrari’s probably glad we’re not talking about their cars in this context for a change.

That’s just getting the “Hydromatic” into action!

Nice one, Pontiac.