The only one worth a damn is the S2k.
The only one worth a damn is the S2k.
“Dip” to me implies cheese or sour cream (optionally + flavorings, in either).
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
Ott Tänak had some epic jumps during the World Rally Championship’s Rally Poland — especially this romp through a…
It is probably the most quality entertainment around. I risk sunburn and overheating (sigh... Texas summers) each year to sit at the top of the X Games stands for it.
I was waiting for WAY more Putin jokes. At least you came through for me.
Ignoring my car side and acting on pure female instinct, some of these really would be perfect. The Nash would be awesome to take to a retro diner and the M roadster would be great for a night out on the town in summer. I’d totally be won over if a guy showed up in those. Letting my car side sneek in a bit, dat Volvo…
Congratulations, Mr. Labcoatguy, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a McLaren which this lovely lady will bring to you as soon as she fixes the hole in the heel of her stocking.
You know what? I love the balls on Cara Sloane to tell a BCO story about her own fuck-up. Just about every one of these is told from the waiter’s point of view, so I am always curious as to how customers would tell one of these (and what the exact hell was goin on in their cerebellums)...
Oh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’...
The shifter on the S2000. Easily the best shift mechanism I’ve ever used. Also, the start button that you actually have to hold down for the car to start. It’s such a small thing but feeling the car come to life at your fingertip is pretty neat.
(I’m pretty sure I lost it when I saw multiple Gulf 917s going down the Corkscrew there. Lost all of it. Whatever it is, it has been lost. fjdkosal;gjkflgneokgl;fjp d;lcjvdkl;afjdas HOLY BALLS.)
“What’s homo milk? Is this milk from GAY COWS?!” he demands, utterly* seriously, even angrily.
The soup of the day is usually Hitler miss, but I’m sure you’ll just Goebbels up today’s gestapo soup.
This, right here, is one avid fan of racing.
Oh lighten up. Don't be the Kimi of this article.
No bitching from me, kinda find it funny!
It’s like raaaaaaeeeeeaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnn...
The dishwasher is in the passenger seat.