
Holy cow! I don’t know what to say except..........thank you, Patrick!

Now playing

Many of the fans in Toronto (including this corner worker) think this event is the highlight of the weekend. (Sorry Indy Car). I placed my iPhone on the wall (set slow mo) and then got the hell away.

Um, this is what makes me proud to be an American.

For those of us that were around in Biblical times, it’s these little guys from Sprint.

Little Stadium Trucks!!!

Or you could just show a replay of all the Le Mans coverage that Fox Sports missed and we could stay behind and watch it.

The Michelin Man has never been so 1980’s Atari.

“Whitehouse Movers”

You misspelled “build.”

Darth Maul, your car is ready.

“Hey guys, remember those times we made interesting cars?”

More like guy runs onto live track.

Top class article, and top class tribute..

We need the Concorde back.

That would have been my goto as well.

I win.

In Soviet Russia pizza screams at you