
This is a shitty column written by a shitty writer. Bottas has done more than Bradley will ever do.

If an EV company needs to have incentives in order to sell its’ products- doesn’t that mean no one wants to buy that product?

then move. 

Sad that Acura/Honda never applied the engine technology to a revised s2000.

A mattress. You spend 1/3-1/2 of your life in bed. Buy the best you can afford.

One question ( and this might have been edited out ) but I’d like to know what race series interests her the most? F1, Indycar, LeMans, NASCAR, DAKAR, Rally?

I can’t star this enough.   

This is so fitting for her.  I really wish I was a passenger at least once with her.

This made my Tuesday.

Great response. Bradley. Ugh.

Every billionaire has built an empire on the bloodied backs of the working class.”

Have a cookie.

There are more ‘bad’ poor people than ‘bad’ rich people.

Turn the lights off in the Tunnel, but allow the TV cameras to have night vision in there so we can see the action.

Did you actually type this ‘A non-violent attempted burglary and car theft.’?

But their Momma’s say they are good kids--why chase them?

There are trees in Kansas?

I was at the 77 Indy 500 - I was 8 years old- even then I knew it was historic.

Honda S2000.  

Then why is Erik even writing a column about this then?