
It’s the first time in years that I’m actually excited about NASCAR for the 2021 season.

Thank you.


Does INDYCAR itself pay for the AMR Safety Team? Or do the teams cover that cost?

As a long time A.J. Foyt fan, it’s hard for me to see the decline of his racing team. Hopefully, Larry can right this and get the team back as a front-runner.

It’s broken.

Perez would be a great choice, but I also think Haas F1 needs a new engine supplier. Honda?

I’m pretty sure this was commissioned by Fancy Kristen one night when she was too tired from whipping the poors, and wanted to show what she can do instead of feeding them.

I doubt seriously it will be what people have posted , it’ll suck.

Taint happening.

And yet, you won’t buy it.

Those interior rear wheel archs are killing the interior space.


A replacement the Vette?

It’s long and boring. At least cut the length down to 250 miles (100 laps).

Why not add COTA, VIR and Road America to the schedule? And keep Watkins, Sonoma, Charlotte ROVAL and the Daytona Road Course.

I’ll suggest a 206-18 VW GTI in white, and decorate it to look like a Stormtroopers helmet.

Stupd name change.

^This. It used to bother me so much about the posting of the weekend race schedules (P,Q,R) that would not get posted until late Saturday sometimes. I used to always post this question when Jalopnik would have their ‘Ask Jalopnik” sessions, but I never got an answer.

But they saved money in not installing turn signal lights.