Zachary Bos

Loud and proud, us over in Western Mass may not agree with everything Eastern Mass does and is about, but we shall defend it to our last breath

Wow. It’s hard to figure out whether you don’t know that “literacy tests” were selectively used to disenfranchise black voters for decades, or just don't care that you're reiterating the arguments of institutionalized racism.

A lot of good society has done you with its benefits. How’s that reaping coming along?

So sharp I had to tweet it:

In Brazil (where I come from) there’s a multi-party system and we often talk about “the useful vote”- when you look at the political landscape, can’t find any ideal candidate (or your ideal candidate has zero chance of winning because he/she is polling at 5%) and there’s this one candidate who might win but really,

Simple solution; everybody has the right to free speech, but Twitter should just automatically link every racist, sexist asshole’s account to their mom’s email or facebook account. Let’s see how long this shit lasts when every troll has to explain their comments to their mom.

Early 21st century virtue signalers were weird and slightly race-obsessed.

In order to get married in the Catholic Church, the both of you have to undergo at least six months of marriage counseling (snort) and if your partner isn’t a baptized Catholic, s/he must also undergo that.

Every time I see someone bitch about someone’s SJW comments I think, “well here’s a racist, bigoted fuck.”

It must be hard being so vigilant all the time. Most assholes get to relax on occasion, but you seem puckered up and ready to shit out something pointlessly vile at all times.

In 1977 Harlon Carter and Neal Knox Hijacked the NRA suggesting the federal government had killed Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy as “part of a plot to advance gun control.”

the previous management wasn’t Osha compliant.

I shell cherish it.

You’re right. When I was editing I somehow chopped out a clause in the middle there, and so the definition of “good cause” and the details about California’s specific CCW policy ran into each other. Correcting and noting that I’ve made a correction, thank you. Sorry about that.

Obama 2024. Seriously.

OMG, can you imagine the shit storm that would spew from the right if Hillary nominated Michelle as a Supreme Court Justice? There wouldn’t be enough popcorn in the galaxy for that shit show.

Everyone talks about Shaun of the Dead, but Hot Fuzz is king. Its amazing.

Because we live in a fallen world.