Zachary Bos

Limbo was absolutely taught as part of Catholic dogma and a thing millions of Catholic’s accepted as part of their faith for periods of the Church’s existence. It isn’t an intellectual game when it is preached as part of the faith to parishioners.

This photo is better than any in this story. I love that you got with an iPhone.

I took a picture of the mass of people taking pictures of the Mona Lisa. I thought it was funny. I must have timed my visit juts right though, that was the only super crowded place in the museum when I was there.

Best of luck, and I hope you enjoy it!

Wait ‘till the Sad Shoggoths hear about this.

I never get tired of showing this print ad from the 1970’s.

Some people wouldn’t know good journalism if it hit them on the head. Keep it up, brother. Your efforts are much appreciated.

News flash: In my time at Gawker Media I have never, not once, or even heard a rumor about any of my stories or viewpoints being bent to some political will. Content has never been changed, swapped, watered down or re-construed in any way based on a political bias. In meetings I have never heard of such a bias

There was a time when the CEO of McDonald’s made about ten times as much as one of his lowest tier employees, and he thought it was a travesty of justice. Not 100,000 times as much, but 10 times as much. He felt ashamed because the board offered him so much money for doing so very little. He felt ashamed at making

Just because you are a part of the system doesn’t mean you can’t change it.

I’m a professional writer with a degree in journalism and no matter how fast you need to publish, it should go through editing and proofing before posts. There should never be an obvious error in a published piece of work ever, period, end of story.

Human beings make typos. Most blogs are on a feverish schedule to produce content. If you want to correct a writer’s spelling or grammar, a quick private note is polite. A public calling out is rude and unnecessary and doesn’t make you look smart — just petty.

10 out 10 opinion. would read more. please continue

If you live in the Northeast, you are used to considering Portland Maine and sometimes it’s jarring when that does not happen and that’s who he is talking about because those are the people that care.

I wonder how many not-unattractive 47 year old women Tony “notices.”

Definitely not funny.

“...but Legendary are being pricks about teasers and trailers for the Warcraft film.”

Not the biggest Zuck fan, but good taste on this one. The whole Culture series is great, Player of Games is one of the best. Excession is my personal favorite though.