Zachary Bos

I have this vision of us younger generations when we become old people: pointlessly berating android servers for giving us the wrong coffee flavored beverage whose name fills half a page, pounding on the 3D Surgi-Vend Pro machine that ate their $20 but incorrectly implanted their new minicomputer chip, and in the

Yes. And all I saw was that in many cultures people in extended families where there might be confusion otherwise sometimes have a common second name. Which is essentially a nickname, and not something anyone would use outside of the family environment. But that’s not the point. The point is this writer alleges the

I am an older person who has never been known by my legal name. As a child, I was known by a nick name that does not resemble my real name at all. And for more years than most of you have been alive everyone that knows me knows me by that nickname and not my real name. If forced to use my real name, even some of my

If you are sincere when you state that you would love to understand, then get thee out on the internet and search for sites, articles, videos, review of books etc where trans persons explain how they feel and function. There’s a lot of it out there, you cannot fail to find enough to last you days and days of reading.

The wall set up against this issue in especially the tech (and tech-minded) community is absolutely astounding. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the list you linked to of reasons why programmers are wrong about peoples’ names, but it makes me depressed and infuriated that such a thing as personally important (to

I'm totes atheist but when he co-pilots this kind of stuff, then I'm down with Jesus.

A game is only as boring as the person playing it.

my stance on the death penalty is not contingent on what the convict has done. There are no “but they made Baby Jesus cry” exceptions.

I’m a male and I support her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What actually is the going rate for monogramming a thermos nowadays, anyway?

I think the standard should be the same as it is for work in my profession as a historian: you cite your sources.

We can’t begrudge or forbid artists from sampling others works. Sometimes, sampling or copying can be downright iconic...look at Van Gogh’s copies of Millet’s work as an example...but even these works are

1. It symbolizes in their minds some fantasy alternate reality

I’m ok with that, because NO ONE can safely drive 100 hours a week. Which is why anyone driving on any sort of legitimate commercial license is specifically restricted from doing so.

A fight breaks out in Walmart between two white women and a kid, and no one does anything.

I have a webcomic that’s going to be sold on Comixology soon. I also write science fiction novels, but those haven’t been published yet. Still trying for the traditional route of agents and publishers.

It’s fine, and I’m flattered. It’s entirely original. I was bored at work today.

I look forward to chatting in a year.

I’ll follow your awesome example. Oh, wait...

You'd be a great fit at Ocean Marketing.