I continue to hope police officers will come around to understanding their role in the community differently — and their duty TO the community — and will begin to voluntarily decline to carry a gun on patrol.
I continue to hope police officers will come around to understanding their role in the community differently — and their duty TO the community — and will begin to voluntarily decline to carry a gun on patrol.
Indeed. Our media consumption choices have no moral value, after all.
Sounds like you might be an advocate of traffic penalties calculated as a percentage of income rather than according to a fixed fees schedule. No?
You ducked my question, and misrepresented my answer. That doesn’t persuade anyone of anything.
You have a strange view of the idea of “force.” I take the Rousseauvian view of liberalism: that we reach a point of agreement through persuasion, not compulsion.
“How exactly, does me owning a firearm hurt you, disparage you, or affect your life, specifically?”
Not a numbers guy, are ya?
You’re trying to persuade us that we live in a society that conforms to your hideous description. We don’t.
Thanks for commenting, Jon!
Allow me to be the first to welcome our adorable mocha-complected overlords,
Why wait to be asked? Do your part and mail him coat hangers now.
Thank you for commenting, Dean Cooley.
Go get ‘em.
Sounds like you did a terrible job managing the human resources lined up under your supervision.
“I am about as liberal as they come...”
No, it is not Christian; but every Scout and Scouter has to sign a form which includes a line affirming religious belief in a higher power.
True thing!
Half a century, or a thousand years?
Do you think I don’t know the difference between organized and nonorganized labor?