. . . peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish state.
. . . peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish state.
Well you’re not getting any of my apocalypse chow.
I see this kind of opinion expressed about the election, and it makes me wonder: do you ask yourself if you might just be channeling a message that serves someone else’s agenda? A message crafted by people who exploit and disdain you, in order that you would see it, believe it, and repeat it...
Unwilling people like those lunch counter protesters?
“Nations” are not the sort of things which can be afforded rights in the way that human beings can.
He set out bait; you jumped on it.
Perpetuating the disadvantage non-male, non-white authors have to overcome is as easy as staying in your comfort zone. “I don’t read books because of who wrote them” is a path of least resistance. Be more interesting than that.
Has there been any response to the arrival of Our Revolution from the folks at Brand New Congress?
Sounds like you are dangerously close to volunteering to serving as a club organizer....
I’m the state director for a national atheist organization. I can assure you, this is not a publicity stunt — the plan is to really and truly roll out these after-school club meetings.
Sharp is also accused of beating her children with a rod; three of them testified that she would say she was trying to “beat the fire” out of them.
So sharp I had to tweet it:
I’d like to start seeing on-duty police officers voluntarily decline to carry firearms on their person.
Has anyone else here read “Railsea” by China Mieville?
Without wishing to lend any defense to this nonsense, I know that many high-level academic administrators do not directly monitor their email accounts. They have staff assistants to read and reply to emails, and ghost-writers who will compose important messages leaving from that account.
I am an organizer in the secular community. We hear this same origin story a lot from new atheists.
I am baffled why so many people are reflexively okay with the use of coercive force was deployed in a situation where words would have sufficed.
I fear it isn't a sound critical argument to imply that those who found this sketch amusing are either lacking in good taste or I sufficiently educated. Not strong reviewery there.
That’s a reasonable interpretation, yes. Well noted.