Zachary Bos

Re: “literary journalism.” In fact, it’s a term that refers to a specific genre, not a focus area. Specifically, it refers to the kind of story-driven, lengthy, stylish commercial writing that is sometimes also called “magazine journalism” or “creative nonfiction.”

Not really, though? It’s a genre distinction.

So maybe he doesn't need to be a candidate. Are there not other ways for him to advance the progressive agenda, beyond sitting as President?

Brilliant. And she can nominate BHO for the SCOTUS.

She could run...


I support musing wholeheartedly. Muse away!

I both believe and know there is a healthy demand in this society for an organization we might call Arrogance Anonymous.

People, man. It’s like they don’t teach even the basics of epistemological warrant in school anymore! WHAT AM I PAYING THESE TAXES FOR?

Viewed from a scientific context, what you are proposing are notions, not theories.

Since the “elastic” quality of space-time is often illustrated, in even elementary school classrooms, with a 2-dimensional rubber sheet, it isn’t difficult to imagine how young children would come up with an internal understanding of gravity as a force carried by waves propagating through a tangible medium. We explain

A corollary is the impossibility of using “time travel” to visit your earlier self in the past; there is no way to duplicate the matter comprising your body. The atoms in your eyeball don’t just clone themselves when you pass into a wormhole.

<< The only reason I asked for research is because you refused to support your statement, or at least the statement it logically seemed you were making with your words.>>

<<Ok, so you’re not interested in actually understanding or finding facts, just spewing feels.>>

<<And yet, you didn’t do the one thing I asked, provide numbers that actually prove your point.>>

<<I have a really hard time understanding how if most drivers were in the red at the end of the year, that they would continue to be part of an at will employment system that offered no direct benefits.>>

As many a policy wonk, politician, and economist has come to learn, this kind of “common sense” understanding of economic behavior is largely useless for understanding the real dynamics underlying economic privilege, employment mobility, and socioeconomic freedom. The *sort* of reasoning you are employing doesn’t map

“That’s probably when they should start doing some other kind of work.”