Zachary Bos

Spirit animal: dik-dik.

I’m totally going to do this. Freak my wife the heck out.

They said when the collider goes on
Soon they’d see that elusive boson
Very soon we shall hear
Whether Cern finds it this year
But it’s something I won’t bet very much on.

(I remembered that it would be folly to explain for free the kind of editorial reasoning I’m usually paid well to employ. But look, ‘tween you and me, if you got a little scratch to throw my way, under the table like, maybe we can work something out.)


This is a valid interpretation, but it is not the only one. The use of the word “symbology” to refer to what you might call the second-order symbolism of a meaning-bearing structure is well attested in scholarly writing. #editornoteditor

Symbology is indeed correct in this usage. #sorrynotsorry

How expensive, some might ask? You might take two shots a week; each shot will be billed to your insurance company for $8-10k. A million dollars a year: because you’re worth it.

(One of the reasons you’re seeing all those ads for Raptiva, Humira, Stelara, and the like on television, catering to folks with autoimmune

I don’t think you’re taking into account the way most grown-ass folks make decisions, whatever their capacity to seek information, whatever the availability of that information.


And yet I hear tell of certain college classrooms where folks are neither sexist nitwits, not adamantly uptight. This fact irritates the hell out of both the chauvinists and the rectally rigid.


Common sanddragon (Progomphus obscurus), shot on my iPhone.

Have you done a fungus shooting challenge?

From our honeymoon.

Thanks kindly! I will be acting on this recommendation.

More details?

(rushes to check to see if Abjad.com is already taken)

I don’t believe the article you cite supports the position you staked out, not in the terms you used. But look: enough. Let it be enough that we’re largely on the same page. There’s nothing more to contend.