Zachary Bos

The question was to: did you make any effort to check to see if there have been any cultures where people might have multiple names?

Who’s offended?

Well, sure: I am asserting that the exhibition of indifference to the grievance of the OP looks like an expression of latent prejudice against the identity category the OP belongs to. The group being favored consists of all people whose grievance would be taken more seriously — people, presumably, whose grievance is

I’d hardly have made the statement if I didn’t think it was correct, no?

No interest in a fight! Just interested in sharing a marginally elevated awareness of such matters. You wrote, “I fail to see...”, which in view of the author’s lengthy explanation from personal perspective, I took to be indifference — either toward the possibility that a naming policy might be causing harm, or toward

How do you mean, “trans-special bullshit”?

A benefit enjoyed by a majority, that comes only at the loss of the self-determination of the minority: we are supposed to celebrate this kind of reasoning? This is the kind of social ethic you think we should live by?

Did you Google it? (Disclaimer: no.)

If you were interested in learning about this issue, you’d learn about it from the myriad sources available to you. Instead, you are interested only in enjoying the favored status of seeming to be open-minded and humbly respectful of difference. Not saying so to score a point off you: just trying to help you notice

Your indifference is a soft form of discrimination.

Let’s consider why you don’t find women’s sports exciting.

I believe you might believe this. And my friend, I wish I knew a way to tell you how to get easily out of that thicket of plausible untruth. But I do not.

Being not blind to these facts, then, how do they dodge responsibility for what flying that flag communicates? They’d have to be willfully disregarding the assertion of people saying to them: “Hey, that flag flew over a state constitutionally commited to the enslavement of our forebears. For the sake of our peaceable

You’re on to something there. All racists should be forced to sew it onto their sleeve, kind of idea?

“But as I said, many simply view it as a symbol of the south in general, regardless of how accurate that is.”

Case in point: one would not fly “into” a black hole. It isn’t a hole.

Endocrinology is unpersuaded.

Any short stories, or stand-alone chapters, from those novels?

Servando from Savin Hill says hello!