Zachary Bos


"I do not believe in accidents. "

"It doesn't matter how you'd like the world to be, it matters how the world is."

Wait for the next twist: Trevor pretending to be Mandarin is actually Mandarin pretending to be Trevor pretending to be Mandarin. #enemyinplainsight

Not all men not all men. #verbed #paradox

I'll keep an eye out at clarion.submittable.com, then.

<<I think that what we need to acknowledge is that this is not an either/or situation.>>

Where can we read some of your work?

"It is not inappropriate for these institutions to take reasonable measures to keep employees safe, and that includes investigating harmful behavior and firing/expelling those who endanger others."

Send me an email. (You can find mine easily.)

What a fine model, for designers, and for anyone interested in the (ethically relevant!) challenge to communicate clearly.

Three cheers for aesthetic pluralism.

I'd be greatly surprised, and edified, if you could name for me any century in which you couldn't find accomplished artists creating works with similar characteristics of line, color, and composition.

"Simply put, we cannot know if God exists or not."

Test... which now? It is an easy thing to say, "We can craft a hypothesis out of our woo." It's a harder thing doing it.

Ah: but you can only prove wrong hypotheses that are properly formed. Woo tends not to be properly formed.

This gave me a chuckle. But: Is there a way to push back against these kind of boorish propositions, that don't involve body-shaming? For I don't know that penis size has been shown to have much to do with someone's character. (I admit it is harder to draw character than to draw a small penis.)

I can't wait to see the speculation escalate when we have a grandmother color running for POTUS.

Poet here, popping in to report that most poets agree with you: the poetry is overrated, and its authors overcompensated.

See also the slave-rowed train galleys of the novel Railsea.