Zachary Bos

Amazing! It's like I can feel the melody-responsive part of my brain come online as the video played.

Sure: conventions of structure, expository order, and citation (e.g.) are highly conservative. But I don't know of any editorial board that cares to specify the style of expression WITHIN those parameters. That so many people think it is otherwise suggests to me that there is a widespread game of imitation and

Just wanted to share with folks this new post from Hoochie (Boston University's feminist media project), in which one of the main supporters of the student petition(now with more than 2,700 signatures protesting Thicke's presence on campus) explains in greater detail her reasons for objecting to Thicke's planned

A "really over the top feminist read"... or an awareness to look at the lyrics with even a modicum of critical inquiry? That's okay. I understand. It can be scary to consider that you may be part of a problem. Hang in there.

Gorgeous Jorges Borges. That's our guy.

Relatedly, Humanist students at Boston University, with support from the BU feminist blog Hoochie, are circulating a petition asking that Thicke not perform on their campus in March:

Hints of Christopher Priest's "The Islanders", a bit of Borges, Greg Bear's "Eon"... sounds like I just gotta get this book.


I'd love to learn more about your work in game development. Possible for you to drop me a line by email?

I like to think there's going to be a reveal that shows the Mandarin was pretend to be Trevor pretending to be the Mandarin all along.

I'm a poet (as professional as they come); and I genuinely like his work. And don't think there is anything anti-humanities about it; though certainly he radiates an impatience for know-nothingism, which is pandemic in the humanities as well as the sciences (and politics, and the news media, etc.).

This scenario should be the basis of an MMORPG.

This is a font made up from samples of Austen's handwriting. Fun for all ages.

Death was, originally, a buffer overflow.

Even robot gods may be unmade.

"Color is the suffering of light."

A mute machine ain't necessarily stupid.

Let us call the dinobone snarkwars ended. LET THERE BE PEACE.