Zachary Bos

Reminding me of a fine line from Goethe: "Color is the suffering of light." (Which was used by the poet Melissa Green as the title of her memoir; well worth reading.)

I suppose the ship has sailed on "xe"?

The Black Donnellys, please.

Perhaps the zeitgeist had something to do with it. A similar visual concept was used by the designers of the 1970s lit mag Grand Piano:

Relatedly: three of the ten nominees for the Man Booker International Prize this year were women, as was the winner Lydia David.

Ah, the nostoi: stories of home-coming.

See also "The Lost Books of the Odyssey" by Zachary Mason.

Amazing. (Can I ask, how did you find this out?)

SNL should fold this kind of showmanship and wit into their current queue of (oft-mumbling, vainglorious, lip-syncing, and too frequently just silly) musical guest lineup. Revitalize the franchise.

Who wrote this wonder?

I don't think you do your position any favors, kwijibo12, by foregrounding race and gender. One's identity and heritage cannot make an untrue fact true, a disproportionate response more proportional, or an ad hominem less personal.

I have to say, I find myself sympathizing with hester_bangs in this exchange.

He looks rather like Tom Guiry, who played Jimmy Donnelly on The Black Donnellys. Things do get better.

I share your suspicion, but wouldn't call it cynicism.

"God damn people for preserving their cultural heritage!"
If only they could see fit to preserve their culture without drafting their children to the project.

It would be a great moral achievement if religious communities (any community) could forestall religious indoctrination of their children until after the agfe of

Bingo. Math doesn't exist; it's a system of interrelated statements that humans put together. When the folks putting together math came up with statements that seemed useful, but didn't mesh consistently and coherently with the statements that had already been admitted to the system, they didn't add those statements

I don't see how my reading of this piece has diverged so far from yours, Katie. I thought it was a useful account of the genuine feeling of distress experienced by a heterosexual male who 1) is committed against the objectification of women and who 2) experiences, in the spontaneous way he describes, objectifying

This might blow some minds. The cost per shot for Stelara, a new treatment for psoriasis, is something like $5,500. A typical regimen might be two shots a week. (Cf. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_16…) This pricing is comparable to other drugs in the class of biologic drugs recently brought to market, like Humira.

I'd be curious to know what percentage of Americans think it is morally unacceptable to be an atheist.

Fantastic piece.

Presumably they only cover the wear and usage of tinfoil hats in upper-level courses.