
I'm surprised to see any stars for facebook. I guess the one star they did get was because people were being upset that they would have to turn over there facebook account information to get a job..

Sorry having your fridge tell you that your out of egg's is just lazy..

well the thing is ... for gas to "explode" it needs two things..

I'm so tired of star wars and these products are so horrible I'm going to have to make a few of these in the 3d print shop. I'm going to fab up a few of those Vader chip bag clips...

It may not have been "legal" but it was not evil.

You know the first person who makes use of this new spy tool and call that mission.

$2 million ha.. att wipes there butt with that much cash at lunch time.

A stinger missile hitting a wide body jet for the most part would be useless.

I think it's wonderful. but take it from me, don't take this to your hotel room and

The smallest acceptable amount of storage I have on any system is 500gb.

I want one, i'm going to get one. the number one reason,