
Safe to guess that a 14 year old sending nude pictures on the Internet may have some self-esteem issues. How do we cure that? A beating.

Yes, the 14 year old who sent nudes should judiciously be charged just like the parents who beat her. Shut the fuck up.

“Assault” is the correct term for hitting someone with a fucking hockey stick.

spanked their 14-year-old daughter with a hockey stick and a jump rope

I live in the midwest, and USD$1,400/month for a licensed, accredited daycare is about average, if not low.

I watch 4 different soap operas, so I should be good at following ridiculous and convoluted plots.

I dunno, Cory Booker was probably shoveling snow in between rescuing old ladies from burning buildings and serving hot coffee to homeless people.

The reverie was broken when Senator Murkowski proceeded to use her platform to say:

They had the PERFECT opportunity to classify feminine hygiene products as necessary goods and remove the luxury tax! Why did this not happen!

More snow then, please

Gosh, thank you so much for this. It’s been kind of a tough day with all of the ugliness, and it means a lot to know that I’m not the only person here who sees this. You’ve been really lovely and kind, and I appreciate that.

People on this site really disgust me, the way they are responding to you. People want to believe soooo much that racism isn’t based on white supremacy, when there is no other such kind of racism. Racism between two non-white groups is still based on and caused by the set-up of white supremacy, given that the system

The replies you’re getting here are pretty telling (and disappointing). OK, so folks don’t like using the word “racism” to only mean “institutional racism.” Fine. But do people really not get that there’s a huge difference between an individual person being prejudiced (and yes, that can include people of color who are

Right?! I thought it was sarcasm at first but then realized that they're actually serious. Ugh...

God the resonponses you’re getting are so indicative of ... this site.

We absolutely need to have better systems in place to support vets who come back from the war carrying the enormous mental, emotional, and physical scars of combat.

She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

I find it hilarious that in this “OMG THEY ARE SO OLD WHY ARE THEY STILL ALIVE AND LOOK AT HOW OLD THEY ARE LOOK AT THEIR OLD FACES!” article they go for a quote from Dick van Dyke, who is every bit as old, and say nothing about his age or looks.

ha! what a fucking humble brag.